
5 Bad Habits to Avoid For Brain Health

Blog - 5 Bad Habits to Avoid For Brain Health
Think about staying healthy, and you probably think about diet and exercise. Those are important. But you need to think about brain health. Neurological health conditions include dementia, st … read more


7 At-Home Foot Pain Remedies

Blog - 7 At-Home Foot Pain Remedies
Foot pain is one of the most common health problems in the world. A 2019 meta-analysis examined studies from the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. It found that 13 to 36 percent of p … read more


5-Minute Yoga Foot Stretches for Aching Feet

Blog - 5-Minute Yoga Foot Stretches for Aching Feet
It's true that when thinking about the body, feet are the most underrecognized part. This is ironic because your feet do the most work by holding you up. As humans, it's only natural that we are co … read more


5 Reasons to Think "Feet First" in 2021

Blog - 5 Reasons to Think "Feet First" in 2021
If someone were to ask you what you thought the most healthy parts of your body should be, what would your answer be? Most people would say their heart or brain, maybe lungs, things we know are vit … read more


How Often to Replace Running Shoes: 5 Signs It's Time

Blog - How Often to Replace Running Shoes: 5 Signs It's Time
60 million people in the US regularly go running, jogging or trail running. And the vast majority will have a quality pair of shoes on their feet! Whether you’re jogging around a track or  … read more