With Thanksgiving right around the corner, most people are dreaming of their favorite holiday meals...tofu, broccoli, and celery. And after that delicious meal? The Thanksgiving half-marathon!
If …
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Every day the average U.S. adult takes
3,000-4,000 steps. That may sound like a lot, but most adults should be getting much more walking in.
You may be one of them, in which case, you are prob …
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Studies show that walking for seniors can help maintain a fit mind and body.
Most seniors want to increase their steps but don't know where to start.
You don't need a lot of willpower to m …
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Setting step goals is a great way to prioritize physical activity and improve your overall physical and mental health. Whether you're aiming for a specific number of steps per day or …
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You’ve been waiting weeks, maybe even months for your
upcoming trip. You’ve saved your money, booked your lodging, planned your itinerary, and are eagerly awaiting your destination.
Only to ha …
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